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China To Enjoy Heavy Product Placement in Transformers 4

It seems that Hollywood's relationship with China will continue to bring a whole new level of product placement to the rest of the world. After Iron Man 3 China cut's extra four minutes turned out to just be four minutes of China product advertisements, the assumption was the bad press might discourage repeat behavior. However a new article from Shenzhen Daily suggests that is not the case.
Rob Moore, the vice chairman, told China Daily the latest movie features a variety of Chinese brands placed in the storyline.

“This certainly goes hand in hand with the amount of time that we were in Chinese locations,” Moore said.

“Having those products certainly reinforces the fact that this is Chinese culture and that there is a lot of story-telling happening there.”

He would not say how many Chinese brands are in the film, but sources have confirmed that the products include drinking water, a car and a duck-meat snack.
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