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Leadfoot in Transformers 4; More Adrian, MI Pics

On Instagram becker1241 has posted a picture of the Leadfoot vehicle from Transformers: Dark of the Moon along with the "new" Bumblebee vehicle. Is the character in Transformers 4? Are the other Wreckers going to show up and what other previous movies TF characters might pop-up? No telling the plan but does make sense that the three previously introduced race car Autobots would show up in a movie with a race car driving character involved in a "chase from hell." Also to go along with yesterday's pics, below are a few choice new pics from Adrian, Michigan shoot along M-52. The rest can be found here and here. Thanks to Sam Nickelson for the link.

Transformers 4 in Adrian, Michigan Videos, Pics

Today Transformers 4 production was filming in Adrian, Michigan. I have not seen any mention of the actors being seen on set but Transformers vehicles were including the new Optimus Prime truck, Hound and the just introduced 2014 Argosy. As the videos below from thelifeofyourtime show, it seems that Prime might be under attack (from the air?) as he goes racing down the road with explosions going off around him as the Argosy about half a mile back. Last video shows a car hitting another one but not enough detail to identify the vehicles involved. Below are a few more images that Sam Nickelson found on Instagram or you can hit his TFW2005 thread for all of them by clicking here.

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Transformers 4 Seeking Extras for "Hong Kong" Location

ABC WZZM is reporting that Transformers 4 is seeking Asian-American adults for Transformers 4. The reason for specifics on ethnicity is because the production is filming scenes that will be used as Hong Kong, China and later combined with actual footage from the city . To apply head to No specifics on what days or exact location. The article says Grand Rapids, Michigan but can't help but wonder if that set going up might be part of it. Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.

Highway Ramp Not for Transformers 4

It looks like it might be an interesting time for movie fans in Detroit as it turns out that two car chase related movies are filming in the city. Joining Transformers 4 is the filming of Need for Speed. The result is the expected confusion on what location being used for which movie since do not have much info tell the two apart in the early prep stages. In this case, it turns out the ramp being built near I-375 on Jefferson Ave is not for TF4 but for Need for Speed. This is based on signs placed in the area reporting the weekend closure for the movie.

Since Transformers 4 is filming on Michigan 52 in Fairfield Township. While its possible for a movie to film in multiple locations with their 2nd (or more) units, I get the impression that Michael Bay prefers to direct stunts himself. In addition the camera vehicles photographed the other day are also for Need for Speed. Looking at the movie's On the Set video, they are driving exactly the kind of cars you expect to find in TF4. Thanks to J1000 for the info and pic.

New Truck Added to Transformers 4 Vehicle Cast has posted another image of a new Transformers 4 vehicle join the already large vehicle cast.
"The adventure continues to transform with a very different offering from Daimler Trucks North America . . . the imposing 2014 Argosy cab-over truck by Freightliner. High Resolution photo:"
Considering the various vehicles we have seen up to this point I can't help but think of the Stunticon leader Motormaster.

Transformers 4 Filming Hit by Bad Weather

It seems that despite a lot of advance planning, nothing much could be done about mother nature. CBS Detroit is reporting that filming on Michigan 52 Lenawee County’s Fairfield Township has been cancelled since Tuesday due to storms. The permit to close 2 miles of the road ends Saturday so the production has Friday and some of Saturday to try and get as much as they can. A day isn't much but some creative tinkering, dropping, or shrinking the scene might allow them to get the footage they need. Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.

Transformers Prime 3.09 Evolution Promo and Clip

Friday starts the final new episodes of Transformers Prime Beast Hunters to The Hub at 7:30PM EST. This episode, called Evolution, is described as "When the Predacon reveals a secret of its own, Megatron begins to question the results of Project Predacon. Meanwhile, the Autobots attempt to prevent the hatching of an army of new beasts, which would threaten the existence of the human race." Promo & clip for episode is below.

Upcoming Episodes:
07/05 - Minus One (3.10) - Soundwave is captured by the Autobots; Megatron revives an old plan.
07/12 - Persuasion (3.11) - Megatron appeals to Ratchet; Optimus takes on the Predacon.
07/19 - Synthesis (3.12) - Autobots attempt to rescue one of their own by tracking a Decepticon warship.
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Transformers 4 China Set Update, New Vehicles Spotted

Transformers 4 production has moved to Detroit, Michigan with videos and images of cars being spotted on set or on their way to the set. In addition, thanks to Jerry B. we have an update on the China set being built in the city which does appear to have battle damage elements built into it (left pic and below right). He also took pictures of camera equipment prep being done with filming vehicles on Cass and LaFayette streets (1st 3 pics below). He said these were the same vehicles they used in TF3 for filming so unlikely they are Transformer alt modes.
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New Transformers 4 Alt Mode Introduced has introduced another new, gorgeous and ultra expensive car that will be used in Transformers 4, "Considered a masterpiece of design and engineering, this fierce, 2013 blood red Pagani Huayra, is named after an ancient Andean God of Wind. High resolution photo:" The image in the post has been modifed by Jeffrey Marshall of Pixel Rally to lose the distracting vertical-line pattern and focus on the vehicle itself. Also thanks to Wynton R. for the heads-up.

Linkfest - Catching Up (Updated)

With all the Transformers 4 movie news, I allowed the toy related links to stack up so this is my attempt to clear them out. Also trying out a new format to see if it is easier to read and use. Let me know what you think. As for what the links cover, we have the usual 3rd party lineup that includes lots of combiners, a look at Beast Hunters Abominus, more Generations toys with more images of IDW wave, Metroplex and possible re-release of Grimlock that never seemed to make it to toy shelves in the states. A new and expensive book is coming at the end of the year that might actually explain the 13 Primes was mentioned in Revenge of the Fallen and teased for the comic books before going nowhere.  The Masterpiece line continues with a look at the Hasbro Soundwave and upcoming new figures.  Last week the Tokyo Toy Show was held and it showed off most of the various toys covered in these links including the Super GT line (Alternity repaints), teased the Transformers Go (Takara name for Beast Hunters line) cartoon DVD that focuses on their Samurai combiner team. And last but not least is reviews including not The Fallen, not Sixshot and many Beast Hunters and Generations figures. Update: Added a video review of Generations Titan class Metroplex at the bottom of the post.
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Titus Welliver Joins Transformers 4 Cast?

A new image indicates that television mainstay Titus Welliver has been cast in Transformers 4 for some unknown role. The picture was taken recently at the Lockhart, Texas set by by Nicole_4_Eva. The actor probably looks familiar as it seems every drama on TV is required to hire him for at least one episode but he did enjoy longer stays on shows like The Good Wife and Sons of Anarchy. The actor was on set for scenes with Jack Reynor and Mark Wahlberg so the role has something to do with them but who knows what. While is a great actor with range, TV shows tend to have him play variations of a bad guy, be it actual or some bureaucratic obstacle.

Josh Duhamel Not In Transformers 4

Josh Duhamel has made it official. He will not be in Transformers 4, not even in a cameo role. He tweeted the news today: ""@mrtekmn: @joshduhamel Hey Josh! do you making a new #Transformers movie?" Nope. I'm not in the next one." The actor, along with Tyrese Gibson, were willing to return to the franchise it seems the story did not need them. While set pictures indicate the movie does have soldiers in it, so far there is nothing to prove that NEST has a part in the movie. (via TFormers)

Bay and Others in Lockhart, Texas

You can add Lockhart, Texas to the list of locations that Transformers 4 production visited this week. On Vacation Locations has posted images from the location that show Michael Bay in white with red hat directing soldiers as they do whatever it is they are doing in the small town. The full set of images taken by Linda Villarreal can be found here.

Transformers The Ride Grand Opening Video

Yesterday was the grand opening of Transformers: The Ride at Universal Studios Orlando and the studio has posted several videos to promote it. The first one is their staging of a Decepticon attack on the attraction building complete with jets in formation flyover and fireworks. The Optimus Prime and Bumblebee vehicles were also on hand for the opening. The second video is a commercial for the new attraction while the last is a 30 second time-lapse of the construction of Transformers: The Ride.

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Detroit Filming Starts Monday

It seems that Transformers 4 is winding up its Texas trip as production moves to Detroit, Michigan starting Monday. Extras are being notified about whatever roles they are playing and where to show up. No other details as extras usually have to sign NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreement). The China set being built in the city is almost finished, complete with built-in "damage". Exactly what locations, their purpose and when TF4 production will be using them remains unknown but it will be interesting to find out as reports come in. Thanks to J1000 for the update.

Cullen, Welker Comment on Transformers 4 at TF The Ride Grand Opening

Today was the grand opening of Transformers: The Ride in Orlando, Florida. On hand for the event was the now 30 years strong voice of Optimus Prime Peter Cullen and legendary voice actor Frank Welker (Megatron, Devastator, more). While on the red carpet, Zap2It spoke with the actors about Transformers 4. Cullen commented on Optimus Prime's new look while Welker was unable to confirm if he would be voicing anyone in the fourth film. More pictures from the opening can be found here. Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.
[Peter Cullen] once again be voicing the Autobot leader in "Transformers 4," and shared his thoughts about Optimus Prime's new look.
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Transformers 4 China Shoot Starts in October, 70k Compete for Reality Show

Tuesday it was announced that an agreement was made to shoot near Beijing Olympic landmark along with the Pangu Plaza Hotel. Now is reporting that it seems those locations are not going to have good times in the film as several Beijing landmarks might get blown up in the movie. This includes the Pangu Hotel with "scenes shot at the hotel will show aliens fighting. The Pangu itself will be shown blowing up in the film." The article goes on the say the filming of those scenes is expected to begin in October.

Speaking of China, the Transformers 4 Chinese Actor Talent Search reality show continues to seek its four actors with 70,000 initially competing for the role in the first round. According to the LA Times, the four roles are "action guy", "tech geek", "sexy goddess" and "cute girl". Initial reports had been the goal was to cast two amateurs and two professionals (one male, one female in each category) but with role titles like this, starting to wonder if that has changed to simply finding four winners regardless of professional background. After an initial round of online voting in China the 70,000 contestants have been whittled down 2,400. Online voting will continue to take that number down to 400. From there the number will be chipped out through auditions until the finalist round which will be televised over six weeks, resulting in the final four winners. However, Li Bingbing and these four are not the only Chinese actors in the film.
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Bay Comments on Transformers 4 Title Speculation

After months long drought, Michael Bay has posted a comment to the Shoot for the Edit forums about speculation on the sub-title of Transformers 4.
There are rumors flying around from various media sites about the title of the next Transformers.

I wanted you to hear from me directly that we have not yet chosen a title and anything being reported is absolutely not true.

When we have a title to announce, I promise you will hear it from me first.

You are probably asking "what title rumors?". I have no idea what he is talking about. I have not read of any sites reporting to know what the sub-title is nor seen any attempt at a guess. With the previous movies' interesting choices of "Revenge of the Fallen" and "Dark of the Moon" about any mad-lib title that follows the potential format of " of " would work. So joining these pretend rumors, I am going to guess titles that use TF references like "Rise of the Primes", "Rise of Galvatron", "Fall of the Autobots", or "Rage of the Decepticons". If want to go in the "Moon" direction what about "Fasting of the Furious", "Chase of the Humans", "Building of the Ramp"... What are your mad-lib guesses?

Image courtesy of Jeffrey Marshall of Pixel Rally. Not an official logo of Transformers 4.

Pics, Videos from Elgin, Texas Filming (Updated)

Below are more images and video from the TaylorElgin, Texas set of Transformers 4 that was taken by JasonBo who also took many pictures last week that showed off the cast for the first time.  Below are few new one that include the first real look at Nicola Peltz on the set, Mark Wahlberg in mechanic makeup, and a close look at the rusted Prime cab that really shows off the faded flame decals that indicate this is Prime's alt mode for a portion of the movie. In addition below are two videos that show a little bit of the filming. One involves the Rusted Prime, the other shows I guess government vehicles heading somewhere. Update: JasonBo has added dozens more pictures from the Elgin, Texas base camp of Transformers 4 that includes pics of most of the cast, few soldier characters, and what lighting prep for a scene. You can find them here.

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Transformers 4 Licensing Expo Poster

Licensing Expo 2013 is currently being held in Las Vegas and as part of that Hollywood teases their next year slate of movies to help with their own licensing efforts for their properties. Coming Soon posted some of the teaser posters on display including Godzilla, Jurassic Park 4, Fast & Furious 7 and Transformers 4. Now this could be a teaser poster that might show up at theaters but its missing most of the usual credit stuff official posters have so I assume this is just a temp poster for marketing purposes and a real one will show up several months from now. The rest of the posters on display can be found here.

Transformers 4 Prepping Stunt Ramp in Detroit

While production continues to film in various locations around Texas, it is also hard at work prepping locations in Detroit and other locations. A example of that is a long ramp that is being built in Detroit on I-375 at Jefferson Avenue. The ramp ends a few feet above street level. A ramp that size is good for one thing - sending cars flying through the air before slamming down onto the highway, probably as part of the "chase from hell." Thanks to J1000 for the info and pictures.

Transformers 4 Signs Chinese Sponsorship Deal (Updated)

It seems the relationship between Paramount and its production of Transformers 4 continues to get ever tighter as the studio and Jiaflix Entertainment has signed a deal to feature several Chinese buildings in the film that are owned by Beijing Pangu Investment. In the deal Pangu Investment will provide capital to the movie while the "the company’s flagship building in Beijing, the Pangu Plaza Hotel, being shown in the film. Beijing National Stadium and Beijing National Aquatics Center, the two Beijing Olympics venues standing nearby the hotel, will also be present in the film, according to the announcement." Both Olympic buildings are unique and attractive buildings with American commentators nicknaming the Beijing National Stadium as "The Bird's Nest" due to its exterior design.
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Fairfield Township, MI Added to Transformers 4 Locations

You can add yet another potential location to the Transformers 4 slate as The Daily Telegram is reporting that Fairfield Township, MI might host the production along a two mile section of roadway Michigan-52 (M-52). It seems that whatever is being filmed is part of the "chase from hell" and as the section of road will be closed for four days from June 25 at 8PM until June 29 at 9am.

Also an agreement has been worked out with the Fairfield Township Fire Department to be on hand during filming so guessing some pyrotechnics and other stunts might be filmed while the Lenawee County Sheriff's Department will handle traffic control as its detoured along adjacent country roads. The reason for the end of June filming is to get the wheatfield backdrops before harvesting begins in July. Initially Transformers 4 production wanted a four-lane highway but settled for the two-lane M-52 when could not find one that could be closed for the needed time period. Despite what seems like a lot of advance preparation an email to the Telegram said "nothing is definite yet." Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.

As for the TF4 Autobot logo, it is not an official logo but a creation of Jeffrey Marshall of Pixel Rally. You can find more versions of them here.

Transformers Hall of Fame Fan's Choice Voting Now Open

Since 2010, Hasbro has its yearly Transformers Hall of Fame ceremony at Botcon (6/27-6/30) that inducts to people that played a part in building the brand, 3 Transformers characters chosen by Hasbro and 1 character chosen by the fans. This year until June 21 you can vote from the below choices for who you think should next enter the Transformers Hall of Fame. To vote, click here.

Ultra Magnus - "If there is any AUTOBOT the DECEPTICONS fear as much as OPTIMUS PRIME, it is ULTRA MAGNUS."
Arcee - "An accomplished, street smart and powerful fighter with little patience for those who don't know their way around a battlefield."
Beast Wars Megatron - "A menacing, hyper-intelligent criminal mastermind who led a group of renegade PREDACONS in search of the Energon they would need to conquer CYBERTRON."
Rodimus/Hot Rod - "RODIMUS is young, naïve, headstrong, and daring when it comes to his own safety in the field."
Prowl - "DECEPTICONS, beware, because PROWL is one tough AUTOBOT out to bring law and order to his enemies."

Personally I voted for Beast Wars Megatron because of the group, he "accomplished" the most of any of the characters between risking all of time and space literally blowing the head off of Optimus Prime and successfully conquering Cybertron. Let us know who you voted for and why in the comments.

Hi-Res Images from Taylor, TX Set With New Cast Member

A set of 92 pictures by JasonBo from the Taylor, Texas set of Transformers 4 on June 13th reveals a few more nuggets about the filming. The pictures indicate that the town play a part in the "chase from hell", a potential shoot-out with police, that the soldiers in black SUVs are with the US government (but what agency remains unknown), that Lucas Black (Friday Night Lights, Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift) has joined the cast as a soldier, and that Nicola Peltz looks good from behind. Also, as Sam points out, there are signs with the names of "Tessa", "Shane", "Savoy", and "Lucas" taped on the side of two trailers. Are they character first names or referencing names of actors? For instance does this mean Nicola's character name is Tessa Vincent? Below are a few choice photos to highlight these things but really worth checking out the entire set (most mirrored here).
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Transformers 4 Filming in Marine City, MI?

While the Transformers 4 tour continues in Central Texas, it doesn't mean the production isn't hard at work elsewhere. According to The Times Herald
, the production might be adding Marine City, Michigan to their slate of locations when they visit the state soon. It seems the production has an interest in using the US Coast Guard Cutter Bramble in the film. Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.
Officials with “Transformers 4” have contacted Bramble owner Bob Klingler, of Marine City, about possibly filming some scenes at the ship site.

While there is no official agreement yet, Klingler is hopeful.

“We’ve been approached, and we sat down and talked, and we’re waiting for a decision,” he said.

Transformers 4 Rally Fighter Spotted in Austin

The Transformers 4 Rally Fighter has been spotted again in the Austin area. If might ring a bell it was first seen a little over a week ago in the Pflugerville area. Thanks to RE515TANT, below are pictures and a video he took of the vehicle as a Paramount Pictures vehicle was hauling it around. None of the vehicles are sporting any NEST logos or other identifying information so still difficult to determined the vehicles' purposes are for the movie.

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Transformers 4 Building Small Town in Detroit looked into the set being built in Detroit along Washington Boulevard at Clifford and learned a little bit more. The currently theory is an China like area is being built and this nugget of info seems to help that idea. Thanks to Wynton R. for the link.
A guard watching the site, representing Wolverine Security, told me last week the Transformer's crew is building a town, surrounding existing buildings like the old United Artists Theater and David Whitney, that will be a part of the film.

The security guard, who declined to identify himself, said work on the "town" is expected to be complete by crews sometime in July.

Cast on Set of Transformers 4 In Taylor has posted a bunch of pictures that show the core cast filming Transformers 4 in Taylor, Texas. The pics in post are the key pics that show Jeff Raynor driving the Sonic RS Rally Car with Mark Walhberg in the passenger seat with TJ Miller and Nicola Peltz in the back seat. The rest of the images are variations of same and can be found here.

In addition, the last pic from Gyazo shows some of the Transformers cars together including the new Prime Truck, new Bumblebee, C7 Corvette Stingray. The main thing to focus on is the ambulance which looks like the same vehicle from the group shot from the end of May suggesting this is an alt mode of a Transformers. New mode for Ratchet perhaps or a new character? Its also possible its just there for safety reasons and not part of the film.

IDW September 2013 Transformers Comics

IDW Publishing has released their publishing plans for September 2013. Five comics and two trades are coming out this month. For some reason Regeneration One is getting a zero issue, I guess to do a little backtracking to fill out some of the story gaps from the 20 year jump when the series restarted and because starting countdown to series end with issue #100. For the full details of IDW's other books including GI Joe, Star Trek, Locke & Key, and more click here.
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Bay Comments on Transformers 4 Set Fire

Michael Bay has posted a comment on the attic fire that occurred Tuesday night at the Plugerville, TX home they were filming at.
Shooting of Transformers 4 is going great with Wahlberg and the new cast. We are having a great time in Texas.

I’m reading how the news makes everything more dramatic than real life. I guess the truth was just too unexciting. Yes there was a small smoldering fire at a house and no, no one was injured during the fire. And no, no one “just narrowly escaped” as the news dramatically states. A crew member though twisted his ankle after falling in a gopher hole on the ranch.

The fire was put out in a brief 15 minutes by a great fire crew on set. It was an attic fire and cause is unknown. No we were not shooting in the attic, we were shooting outside on the ranch.


New Transformers 4 Car Spotted in Taylor, TX?

KXAN has posted a report from Taylor, Texas as Transformers 4 films in the city. While it covers the same ground as yesterday's videos, their written report mentions "A silver Dodge Challenger can be seen in the middle of West Second Street." The image from TFW2005 does suggest it might have some significance since doesn't quite fit the hometown vibe the other older cars seen on the set have but it could just also be a car driven by one of the characters.

Transformers Prime Beast Hunters Tour Coming to the United Kingdom

If you live in the United Kingdom or visiting in from June 20th to September 1st range, you might to check out the below dates as Hasbro is doing a tour of the country to promote the release of the Transformers Prime Beast Hunts toy line. The tour will have the Optimus Prime truck on site along with the "Transformers Station" which will show off the toys, upcoming DVD releases and online play. Hit the press release below for more details.
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Videos from Taylor, Texas Transformers 4 Shoot

On Wednesday Transformers 4 production started filming in Taylor, Texas. Before we just had pictures with Mark Wahlberg and Michael Bay but know there is more footage thanks to TFW2005's Prowl. The footage shows the Sonic RS Rally, black SUV's full of soldiers and emergency vehicles driving through the city streets. The SUV and soldier's make you think "NEST" except none were sporting the logos or anything else to identify who they work for in the film's story. After that is a news report from KXAN that says that production will film in Taylor on Thursday and then move to Elgin, TX on Friday.
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Transformers 4 Filming In Taylor, Texas

Starting today it looks like filming of Transformers 4 has moved from Pfugerville, Texas to Taylor, Texas. What exactly is being filmed is unknown but spotted on the set was Mark Wahlberg, Michael Bay, and Rusted Optimus Prime. Images from the set can be found here and here.

As for the two images below, they were taken by @NickForrester on Monday as the location was prepped. Now my guess is the location is supposed to invoke the small town American ideal visually (you know kids with kites or playing baseball, 50s era cars, etc.) and I suspect the red fire truck is part of that. It could be an alt mode to a Transformer, I just doubt it.

New Transformers 4 Vehicle Revealed has revealed another vehicle being used in Transformers 4, "The Ultimate Sonic RS, just pure fun. High resolution:". The picture and that description is all that was posted so unknown if this is a Transformers alt mode or a car one of the human characters drive. Still, much more fun to just assume its a Transformer and then try to guess the character. Post your guesses in the comments.

Transformers 4 Set Catches on Fire in Pflugerville

Firefighters were called out to the Pflugerville, Texas Transformers 4 set him a fire broke out in the attic of the house they are using for the film. The extent of the damage is unknown but one person was injured with a broken ankle. The fire occurred around 7:25pm on Tuesday evening. Part of the crew said it was part of "a controlled explosion" but investigators will now have to determine what happened. Video below from KVUE news. Thanks to Sam N. for the link.
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Detroit Transformers 4 Set Construction

At a Detroit construction site, Paramount seems to be building a new set. Since Transformers 4 is the only movie I am aware of that is prepping to film in the city, it isn't a reach to assume its being built for the film. Right now it is still to early to tell what its final look will be but parts of it seemed designed to be incomplete. It also seems to have a Chinese influence so it might be part of whatever is planned for story points set in China and Hong Kong and tie into whatever is being filmed there towards the end of the production schedule. Considering the effort being put into strength and support, I guess people will be filming in and possibly on top of it so it has more purpose than just something to be destroyed (even though that could happen too). Thanks to Jerry B for the pictures.

Transformers 4 Remember Chicago Billboard

A billboard found by @JFall in the Granger, Texas area asks that drivers "Remember Chicago". The sign is part of the filming going on in the state and in one glance reinforces that Transformers 4 takes place 4 years after the events of Dark of the Moon. It might hint at part of the story of the movie as it seems to suggest that maybe no aliens, including Autobots, are welcome on the planet. Thanks to Sam N. for the link. Photo credit: @jfall